zelda3 intro 100%

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Bigkill321 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 6:35

done with my zelda3 intro kind of like the one showed before but with fixes and different starting point and ignore the doors ik how to fix that i just didnt have time yesterday check the video out

and please comment so i know what i can do better on

Since : 2014-04-05

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by White_Yoshi54 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 6:37

This is an intro area for members? Unless your youtube video is joining the forum, in which case, hello 8TOWu6xAV_U. Welcome here, and what a weird name.

Since : 2014-04-15

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Bigkill321 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 6:45

Sure I'll join my YouTube with the forum but that's just the link to the video my YouTube name is Bigkill321

Since : 2014-04-05

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Conn Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 6:53

Look's awesome, but the part reminds me on PW intro where you have to run feeled 3 miles defenseless through enemy invaded rooms as well, which is a pain for Players. You may consider applying this hack:

zelda3 intro 100% Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Conn Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 10:28

You're probably right. Furthermore, it wouldn't be possible to awake in bed since $3c5 must be a #$01 in order to use the bare Hands (which is set along with the save function after having met your uncle). So as Long as you don't use the srm modifier: https://www.zeldix.net/t389-start-sram-modifier and renounce on the awake in bed, this is no Option.

Edit: Just updated this hack:

Now it enables save function and sword use also if you start in bed... so everybody can use it now without being forced to start in Hyrule Castle and use the srm modifier!

Anyway I made a new Symbol for bare Hands in menu (more like a karate chop):
zelda3 intro 100% All-in32

Surely, some here could do better :)and the Colors aren't that good (sleeve isn't green, Hands are not yellow) but the brownish Color would look worse.
I updated the hack with this gfx (the old hack without gfx is still inside the package):

I also sent you the gfx per mail in case you want to replace the fist you currently use in PU.


zelda3 intro 100% Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Bigkill321 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 16:36

tho the bare hands would be cool i dont think its what i want also i dont think there was a zelda game where u could use ur hands to kill if so i would like to play it. Next the game is pretty simple as is i did really bad when i was recording this, u dont even need to kill anyone til u get the sword besides the one morning star. i think that the intro should be easy but give the player a feeling of challenge just the idea of having to use an alternative to deal with enemies would give the idea of challenge even tho its simple almost easier at parts.

Since : 2014-04-05

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Puzzledude Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 16:55

Bigkill321 wrote:I dont think there was a zelda game where u could use ur hands to kill if so i would like to play it.
That's the point of ASM, to make something new, which didn't exist before, or didn't exist in the current game. The fists don't actually defeat enemies, they just stumped them, as if you would throw the boomerang to them.

zelda3 intro 100% Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Bigkill321 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 17:05

Puzzledude wrote:
Bigkill321 wrote:I dont think there was a zelda game where u could use ur hands to kill if so i would like to play it.
That's the point of ASM, to make something new, which didn't exist before, or didn't exist in the current game. The fists don't actually defeat enemies, they just stumped them, as if you would throw the boomerang to them.
oh that actually sounds pretty cool mb il try that out

Since : 2014-04-05

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Puzzledude Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 17:09

It heavily depends, what kind of the person plays a game. The majority would probably want some defence at least and would panic with no sword (look at the Parallel Worlds panic in the Guardhouse by almost every player).
Some however can manage without the sword.

In all cases the Fist hack is an incredible new achievement. But it is up to the maker of the hack, if that will actually be used.

zelda3 intro 100% Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by scawful Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 17:14

I was considering using the fist hack in OoS but then I remembered with the startup patch there is never a point in the game where you don't have the sword Razz I guess if you have a long intro part of the game like parallel worlds that would be a great tool to have

zelda3 intro 100% Image211

Since : 2013-07-04


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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by scawful Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 17:34

Wait, really??? I didn't know this! I wonder if it would be possible to set up some sort of sword item that you can pick up? To pick up the sword from the beach just like links awakening Razz

zelda3 intro 100% Image211

Since : 2013-07-04


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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Conn Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 17:38

I was considering using the fist hack in OoS but then I remembered with the startup patch there is never a point in the game where you don't have the sword Razz I guess if you have a long intro part of the game like parallel worlds that would be a great tool to have
I luckily now achieved to get the bare Hands used even in the beginning part (natively, the A-button, as the select button is disabled until you met your uncle). With the new Version you can have the beginning part Extended until you meet your uncle and even save the Progress.

As for the srm Startup modifier... I think you are using another start chapter anyway, if you look at

LDA #$0201      ; 01=part of the game $3C5 - 02=Progress flags $3C6      
STA $7003C5,x
is 01 the part you start (00=beginning, 01=after uncle, 02=after saved princess, 03=after aghanim)

What irritates me is that you say you have your sword from start... this means you've run the code with
LDA #$0201      ; 01=sword to start with $3c9 - 02=shield to start with $3CA        
STA $700359,x
.You can easily disable this with adding semicolons before the opcodes and run the asm again:


;LDA #$0201      ; 01=sword to start with $3c9 - 02=shield to start with $3CA        
;STA $700359,x

Edit: I added now the semicolons to the Default srm modifier. So you start without shield/sword when running it unless you enable it by removing the semicolons.

zelda3 intro 100% Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Bigkill321 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 20:34

im not a coder so dont know if u can do this but mb a sword that u can lose later in the game not having any sword then having a dungeon that revolves around using the fist then met ur uncle and get another sword from him

Since : 2014-04-05

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Conn Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 20:49

Nearly everything is possible with asm, but after spending 10 years bszelda and 2 years ALTTP, developing all the hacks you find in the sections, I may not take all requests anymore - especially those of no community interest. If I make hacks I usually want more than just one profit out of it. And this gets even more important now that the members in this Forum raise exponentially; I surely won't be able to help everybody.

But maybe I help you out there and there Smile

As for losing stuff and regaining them again, I did it for a member here:

sword is stored at 7ef359; so you Need an event that sets this value to 00 (Meeting a Person, entering a building, getting another item...) but it only should happen once in the complete game, otherwise you continueously loose your sword (e.g., by entering a building). Regaining another sword is simpler, just store it into a chest.

zelda3 intro 100% Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Bigkill321 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 20:57

mb il try and work that in the story back to thinking again yay lol but when i tryed following the links to get the ips patch it said 404 file not found

Since : 2014-04-05

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zelda3 intro 100% Empty Re: zelda3 intro 100%

Post by Bigkill321 Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 21:21

SePH wrote:Fixed the link in question, althought it as made specific for Jandazekons hack.

alright thanks

Since : 2014-04-05

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